
Scope of Practice
Dr. Mosca offers the full range of urologic care His practice includes surgical and medical treatment of urinary stones, cancers of the prostate, kidney, bladder and male genital organs, and urologic infections of the bladder, kidney and prostate. Also, treatment of erectile dysfunction, urinary incontinence, bladder and prostate dysfunction, vasectomy and numerous other urologic anomalies.
Specialized office procedures including Cystoscopy with bladder biopsy of minor lesions, Transrectal Ultrasound of the Prostate with Prostate Biopsy, Vasectomy, and Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation are available. Shockwave treatment of erectile dysfunction is also available.
Specialized Office Procedures
All inpatient and outpatient surgical care requiring the use of General or Spinal Anesthesia are performed at INTEGRIS Southwest Medical Center.
Inpatient and Outpatient Surgical Care
All ESWL therapy is performed by Dr. Mosca at the Oklahoma Kidney Stone Center located on the campus of Deaconess hospital.
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL)
More about
INTEGRIS Southwest Medical Center
More about the Oklahoma Kidney Stone Center and Oklahoma Lithotripter Associates

Amazing new non-invasive treatments for ED and incontinence
Click the link to learn about these new revolutionary treatments offered at Clinical Urology, Inc